Closing the gaps in addiction treatment.

Our mission is to lead a new, comprehensive system that empowers people to come back to health and wholeness.

We can’t build a new system alone. We need your help.

Systematic gaps
perpetuate devastating cycles
of recovery failure

Lack of mental recovery support post detox is a gap that causes patients to fall back into addiction.

RWF’s mission is to break down barriers between academic research and clinical practice. We aim to expedite the integration of promising modalities like TMS into everyday treatment plans, ensuring that groundbreaking discoveries aren’t just confined to journals. This urgency stems from a shared experience: everyone knows someone who has struggled with addiction, or has lost a loved one to its relentless grasp.

Pioneering a New Approach to Recovery

Our first project: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). This innovative, non-pharmaceutical therapy heals the brain, offering hope for lasting recovery. TMS is already a proven treatment for Treatment-Resistant Depression, a common comorbidity of Substance Use Disorder, but access is often limited due to high costs and insurance hurdles. Extensive research has validated the safety and effectiveness of TMS in addiction treatment. Our innovative approach aims to provide 2 intensive weeks of TMS access with safe residence during the critical window immediately after detox, when it can be most effective. Learn more about our work with TMS.

RWF is looking to partner with resourced, capable partners who share our vision of a world where effective addiction treatment is accessible to all.

Together, we can create a future where no one is left behind in recovery.